About the Founder
Patti Joyce - Wigs by Pattis Pearls Founder
As a Woman, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, my motto has always been the old southern adage, "Get Up, Suit Up, and Show Up.” Several years ago, that motto was tested as I received one of the greatest blessings of my life. I was diagnosed with colon cancer. The resultant operations, chemotherapy, various treatments and tests and the uphill battle to "Surviving and Thriving” gave me the opportunity to merge my professional life with my personal passion.
PATTI’S PEARLS, a service for women with cancer, was born. I realized through my own hair loss that there was a tremendous need for high quality, comfortable and stylish wigs presented in a caring and loving environment, all at an affordable price. Losing her hair can be one of the most emotionally traumatic aspects of a woman’s treatment. I have been given the special opportunity to make a difference in a woman’s life during a time when she needs all the self-confidence and courage that she can muster.
I am a Theater Arts major from Southern Illinois University with over 20 years experience and training in the art of makeup, custom wig making, cutting and styling. My experience as a wig designer in the production department of Jon Renau Collection, a presenter of Hands On Wig Seminars, and owner/stylist of Patti’s Pearls, helps me in my desire to encourage other women to pass it on and to "Get Up, Suit Up, and Show Up.”
Carlsbad, CA