Becoming familiar with color family ranges can better help you understand the colors you are looking at.
In general, the color families will work like this:
Black: 1-2
Brown: 4-12
Blonde: 14-26
Natural Red: 27-33
Vibrant Red: 130-134
Grey: 34-60 & 92
Platinum: 101-104, 613
A general rule of thumb with blacks and browns is that lower numbers will be darker, whereas higher numbers will be lighter. For example, the color R2/4 by Estetica is a dark brown blend, whereas the color R9/12 is a light golden brown and light brown blend.
/: Evenly blended
Example: R6/10
BT: (Blended Tip) – The top half of the base color is blended & tipped to the bottom half of the highlight
Example: R24/18BT
H: (Highlight) – Traditional highlights
Example: R12/26H
CH: (Chunky Highlight) – Side-by-side streaks of contrasting colors, chunkier than traditional highlights
Example: R12/26CH
F: (Frosted) – 80% base color frosted with 20% highlight color
Example: R25F
LF: (Light Front) – Gradual lightening to the top of the head
Example: R6LF29
ROM: (Ombre) – Dark base on top with a subtle transition to the lightest point at the ends and sunkissed highlights on top of the head
Example: ROM1488
RT: (Rooted) – Natural base color at the root
Example: R20RT8
T: (Tipped) – Dark base tipped with highlighted ends
Example: R56T
BT: Blended and Tipped
Example: R24/18BT
BG: Base color very gradually blends into a lighter color at the tips
Example: R613BG26